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Notification: Homeopathic medicines advised for peoples are based on detail history and consideration. They may not be useful for you unless they are advised to you according to your symptoms. So please do not takey them by own. They can cause some unwanted reaction.

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Child with fever in summer-12 best and safe homeopathic medicines

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In summer quite often child got fever without any obvious reason.  Here i am presenting 12 best and safe homeopathic medicines, which one should have at home and can be used if symptoms match.  One should give medicine of within one group which symptoms matches and according to numbering.

Group A.

1.            Belladona.  (See if you have symptoms A,C, F, I)

2.            Calcarea Carb (See if you have symptoms A, C)

Group B.

3.            Bryonia.Alba  (See if you have symptoms A,D, F, M, N, K, and R)

4.            Sulphur (A, D, F, J)

5.            Pulsatila Nigricans.( A, D, E, L).

6.            Antimonium Crudum.(J, M, N).

Group C.

7.            Arsenicum Album.(B, C, F, O, and P)

8.            Veratram Album.(G and O).

Group D.

9.            Lachesis Muta.(A, D, E)

10.       Natrum Muriaticum (A, D, F, N)

Group E.

11.            Gelesimum (I, M, O)

Group F

12.            Capsicum. (A, C, E, M)

To know which medicines are most indicated for your child please read below and know best three medicines for your child.  See the most common event occurring during fever.

A.  Since fever child has turned to be dull (i.e. slow in walking, slow in answering, looks sleepy, week, and desires to lie down).

B.  Since fever child is become anxious (looks fearful, restlessness, easily weeping, fears when alone, do not stay in bed, looks to do things hurry, does not stay at one places, and nothing seems to satisfied him for too long).

C.  Accepting extra covering/cloths or demanding extra cloths/covering.

D.  Asking/putting off cloths and kicking off covering and asking for fan/cooler/a.c.

E.  Do not drinking water/denies water when offered or drinks too little water.

F.  Is drinking good quantity of water or asking for water too frequently.

G.  Asking or drinking only cold water.

H.  Trying to sleep, but is unable to sleep.

I.  Child is not allowing cold-wet bandage applied on head/body.

J.  Child tongue and lips is looking dry.

K.  Child is asking to stay in open air or looks calm and better in open air.

L.  Sleeping a lot since fever has started.

M.  Wants to be not disturbed for anything.

N.  Child has become quite irritable and is crying.

O.  Got quite much weak and exhausted since got fever.

P.  No desire for food for anything.

Q.  Wants somebody to remain with then him/her always.

R.  Fever may due to eating ice-cream/cold drinks.

Child With Fever-Most Common Approaches Used in India

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Child with acute fever is a common thing for children. Parents frequently says that they found their child running fever without any obvious reason, but there must be a reason though of no significance, which has caused this fever.

They got anxious about the fate of this fever, which is quite obvious. These fevers can present without any other symptoms suggestive of an underlying cause or any evolving disease process.

In this situation, mostly people approach this condition with these three approaches.

1. Ignored by father, but mother takes care: This approach is a most common approach seen in low socioeconomic group. This is because they usually spend very less on health service unless there is any emergency condition. Father usually ignores because he has to pay money. Mother usually takes care of child, but usually is incapable give a good care and first aid due to lack of education.

2. Taking care by both parents and do some basic first aid at home: This is second most used approach used. Parents asks to child to take rest and fulfills their demands on bed and monitor temperature and applies cold wet bandage to head to prevent further increase of acute fever.

3. Parents brought child to doctor: This is the third most used approach for child with acute fever, which is increasing with the increasing income and improving medical service availability.

In my personal experience and believe, the second most used approach i.e., taking care by both parents and doing basic first aid for acute fever at home is the best approach for a child with acute fever, but sometimes it is difficult to apply i.e., due to irritability caused by fever child usually do not allow to do any first aid i.e.,. applying wet cold bandage, but in such situation homeopathic medicines can be very useful.

Taking child to doctor with acute fever is an increasing approach used by people is a very good option, but unfortunately there is still a huge number quack practitioners who give antibiotic treatment for every child with fever routinely which is most unnecessary and affects child's health negatively and sometimes fatal complications arises and thus this approach is in my view is the second best approach not the best to recommend a lay man, but once again if child is brought to a homeopathic physician who practices only homeopathy is certainly best approach.

The first approach i.e., only mother takes care of her child who is usually incapable to do so. I think ANM and ASHA can play a great role in this regard. They should teach rural mothers at least about the most two common and fatal illnesses of child i.e., pneumonia (fever) and diarrhea. Government should open child homeopathic dispensaries and fresh homeopathic graduates can be posted on a relative low pay scale or on a temporary basis on at 10 villages basis. This step can improve both quality of child health and also quality of homeopathic physicians as there are lots of homeopathic physician largely practice allopathic medicines because they do not get support in their early homeopathic practice.

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